Saturday, November 20, 2010

Switching to this blog for our website

Since we didn't have much going on with our site, and since google thought the site had viruses, we decided to throw a blog here instead. Here we'll be putting up random updates about videos we're making, maybe some tutorials and a lot of fancy smancy info. Think of this as a longer but less convenient twitter!

The video we just recently got done filming was a quick idea that will be called: "How not to look like a douche while wearing a leather jacket." but hopefully the title ends up a lot shorter, lol. Don't expect it to be anything extraordinary, but the videos coming your way December/January will probably be our best yet. Because of school vacation whoo! Gonna be a lot more filming and editing than the usual one day a week thing.

So hows everyone doing? We've been thinking about doing some tutorials on how to do certain effects, how to properly light a green screen etc, and are wondering if anyone wants to watch that kind of stuff. I figure since we get a lot of questions about editing that it would a lot of you some time and make things easier for you. Anyways, gotta go shopping! Much love <3.